
Countryside: for information about the general Kingsmere development

Kingsmere Community Centre

Kingsmere Front Runner: Community newsletter


Specific planning information about the development can be found at:

Other planning documents can be found at the Cherwell District Council website using their search portal:

Community Groups

Kingsmere Community Ministry: (previously The Churches in Bicester Kingsmere Welcome Group) are supporting the Kingsmere Bible Group, the Kingsmere Prayer evenings and the Cornerstones Toddler Group. They work closely with all our Kingsmere partners to provide support for community events and that linking back into Christianity. 


Nursery and Schools

Primary School: St. Edburgs CoE

Secondary School: Whitelands Academy

Busy Bees Kingsmere

Little Acorns Preschool

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Sports and Activities

Whitelands Farm Sports Ground

1st Kingsmere Scout Group: Beaver & Cub Sections both currently running.